December 09, 2008


Hi all, just a bit about me and what I intend to use this blog for , altho as I progress it might change but thats life huh lol.

My name is Jennifer. I started writing poems back in june 2008 after joining a lovely spiritual website. This in return allowed me to open up and express my feelings more. When I joined this site I wasnt in the best of moods I wasnt intrested in anything back then really. Was more a case of stroling through life with nothing before me. My opinions have since changed. I now see a purpose in life, I have started writing more now and have become more creative in ways I hadnt thought about previously. My thoughts of other people have changed aswell , at first it was a case of I would judge from first meetings but now its more I rather step back and get to know them before i allow myself to make any thoughts about them.

There was a period where i was at my lowest eb , where everything would get to me and I would try and hide away , this is the period i sadly lost my Grampa back in july 2008.
At that point some of the things i had written were deep , heavy , full of emotions , hurt anger , sadness , instead of keeping them in I allowed them to flow to paper .

My intentions with this blog is to be used to collaborated all my work into the one spot where I or anyone else can come to and just read. I have added vids that I have made to this blog aswell as its all part and parcel of Awakening to my creative passion. I havent written to many to date and some arent that good but thats not the point lol , this is for me to keep them all together and hopes that some of you out there might enjoy some of what I have written.

Now all I have to do is gather what I have and post it here so where to begin from the start I think :0)

Now that sounds like a plan !!

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