In the point of no return the stars did shine
To guide the way forward away from the darkened mine
To show you the path that leads your way
To take your fears away as you pray
Moving on up to better sights
Leading away from the lonesome nights
A single path a single soul did take
A journey new then one did make
Reveling in the hope that new road did bring
A blossom of joy for the soul did sing
The shadows are fading now out of sight
As the single soul walks with many in the light
Once feeling lost and now more found
Things have turned themselves around
The darkness gone, the light returned
The path now clearer where fire once burned
Those once desolate plains now shrouded in love
The gift of life shines down from above
As the soul goes onwards to newer hights
The chains once bound are gone to reveal new sights
That trust of ones feelings regained in joy
That faith of thought knows its not a ploy
Desperation once filled that vessel deprived of light
No longer the case for this loved soul so bright
Who once wondered why things happened in the past
To learn they're pain would never last
Long into the night did that soul sit and ponder
The stillness of air helped them as they did wander
That time to sit was all that was needed in time
That soul did learn that all was going to be fine
Some patience and trust was all it took
The time to find oneself and truly look
Within honest open eyes so dazzled and bright
The founder of this soul beams with new found light
No longer lost along the way, now found and wrapped in love
A tender moment of rejoice with a fallen tear from above
A new awarness then did awaken within the heart a new fire
Within them growing that awaited strength and desire
Courage building the path now ever more clearer
As the morning light comes bringing hope ever nearer
Jennifer Don (c)
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